Hairy Dieters
I've always quite fancied meeting up with girlfriends and 'doing lunch'. Some how it seems quite sophisticated and something that only those with time on their hands can do. I know that seems a bit stereotypical and I apologise if I've offended anyone that's certainly not my intention. Trouble is  when your an outsider to something that you quite fancy doing or experiencing or having, you can't help but be a little dreamy about it and wonder if you just don't fit in with that kind of life style. Well I decided to do something about it and ok I didn't go out to lunch and yes my one guest was someone I work with closely and yes lunch was had while we were working. No I didn't just plonk a sandwich in front of her or go out and buy something  either. I made us a proper lunch and we managed to sit and eat while the children were playing after they had had theirs. Actually we 'lunched' two days in a row so get me I am a lady that lunches. What did we have? we had golden vegetable soup on Monday and stuffed peppers on Tuesday both courtesy of the Hairy dieters recipe book. Ok, so it wasn't really a  ladies that lunch event but it has ticked off two more recipes and widened the circle of family and friends I'm cooking for. Reports were that she would love to have it again so success all round I think.

My presentation.

Hairy Bikers stuffed peppers
My stuffed peppers. Enjoyed on Tuesday
I nearly forgot in my excitement of lunching, I also made The Hairy Bikers old fashioned chicken casserole for tea on Monday. Its a real winter warmer, a good hearty meal that reaches the spot on cold snowy evenings. Yet another one that we will have again. This cook book so far has been a real hit with us a s a family. The meals have all been tasty, colourful and easy to do. They don't use ingredients that are unheard of or so obscure that you can't get hold of them and they are realistic. The other thing I'm pleased about too is they do't really on lots of spice to mask insipid or tasteless food. In my experience most recipes for dieters tend to be a bit bland so rely on lots of hot spices to jazz them up a bit. The Hairy Bikers have been successful in creating nutritious food that doesn't taste any different from so called 'ordinary' foods. In fact if I was cooking these meals for weight loss purposes I wouldn't be able to tell that that was what I was doing. The only thing I'm finding is my photos aren't really doing my versions justice!
Hairy Bikers chicken casserole
My chicken casserole.

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