well as you can see a load more recipes have been made and served. There are only about 7 left to do I think. I must say the majority of them have been big hits with my family and they have asked for some of them to be made again. This is one recipe book that is going to get a lot of use. Thank you Si and Dave.
I know its been a long time since I posted anything on here but that doesn't mean I've sat back and not been doing anything to complete my list. On the contrary I've been quite busy along with the other calendar models trying to sell them. We were to appear on the one show the night before children in need but at the eleventh hour they decided the pictures were, and i quote 'too raunchy' and our spot was cancelled. The disappointment we all felt was indescribable, but hey these things happen and it hasn't stopped us from getting sales. We have even been able to book a session in the reception area of the Whately Hall hotel where the photos were shot to sell some more on the 1st December. The hotel has been very accommodating and based on that alone I would recommend staying there. I should add I have never been for a function there or stopped over in any of their rooms, but the staff have been friendly and gone out of their way to help us with this project. 
Next update is the room to be completely decorated. As you will have already read I have chosen to do my bedroom. It's just about there and all that needs doing is carpet to be laid, that's happening next Monday (2nd December), so not longt to wait to see the finished results on that one. I must say, doing this room has spurred on other bits of decorating and house freshening up. The hall, landing and stairs are finally going to be finished and one other bedroom is getting a bit of a make-over too. 
Now for the dance classes. In short we are loving them, my only regret is I didn't start earlier. So far we have covered the Rumba, jive, quickstep and last week the American smooth. What's been really fun is practising at home and managing to, not perfect the dance but get it together well enough we feel we can almost keep up in class if they do them again. 
Ok who can guess who this is in the photo and where I am? If you are a fan of Emmerdale you may have guessed already, for those who aren't I'll tell you, it's Marlon Dingle and he came to switch on Banbury's Christmas lights. Like I've said before when putting together my bucket list I realised that our town council actually  puts on quite a few events through out the year and I have either never been to them or very rarely bothered.  I really enjoyed this and took Andrew and his mum along with me. They said they enjoyed it too. Surprisingly it wasn't too cold stood amongst the crowd and the atmosphere was great. There were a few artists and one was a Robbie Williams tribute band. They did really well, not that I'm a huge fan but he looked, sounded and moved like him well enough. The evening ended in a firework display and rounded the evening off lovely. It was most enjoyable and I would love to go again.

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